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After Special K success, Kellogg may spend more on online marketing


CHICAGO Kellogg Co. has said that since its Special K brand marketing has been so successful on the Internet that it could put more advertising dollars towards its online presence.

Company officials have described the effect of online messaging as “obviously very encouraging,” and hope that the marketing of breakfast cereal Special K will “drive stronger adoption across the business.”

The latest campaign for Special K calls for consumers to take “the Special K challenge”—that is, to eat at least two bowls of Special K cereal per day. Dieters are encouraged to do so for a few weeks in order to drop a full clothing size.

In 2007, Kellogg spent more than $1 billion on advertising. The company said that it will spend even more this year, including an extra $300 million specifically earmarked for promotional marketing. In the course of the past year, Kellogg has been credited with maintaining its advertising spending, despite fiscal challenges from a limping economy and skyrocketing commodities costs.

On the Web, one Special K site helps dieters by providing specialized meal planning. There are also sign-up fields for a Yahoo e-mail group, workout tips from a personal trainer, advice from a nutritionist and a link to

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