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Kraft Foods brings hunger awareness to employees


NORTHFIELD Kraft Foods is educating its employees and inspiring action in the fight against hunger with a photo exhibit.

The exhibit of photographs, taken by photographer Michael Nye, depict Americans who don't have adequate access to food. Nye's searing black-and-white photographs of people who have been affected by hunger are from a traveling exhibit called About Hunger & Resilience (, which also features audio recordings of the subjects describing how hunger has affected their lives. Nye, a former lawyer, spent five years traveling throughout the United States to document these stories.

Nicole Robinson, director of corporate community involvement at Kraft Foods, heard about Nye's work on the NPR program "All Things Considered."

"Listening to Mr. Nye talk about putting a human face on the hunger issue was very moving," said Robinson.  "I realized this is exactly the same message that we convey in our communities through our volunteer work."

This exhibit is just one way Kraft Foods raises awareness and takes action in the fight against hunger. In October, the company will launch its second annual "Delicious Difference Week" initiative in which more than 14,000 employees in 50 countries around the world will partner with local food relief programs to deliver food and other services to people in need.

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