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New P&G site targets male homemakers


NEW YORK Procter & Gamble has unveiled a new website that features household tips for the jack of all trades, Mr. Mom. features household tips, career and parenting advice and much more, channeling content mostly found in women's magazines. The content, however, doesn't just speak to stay-at-home dads -- it serves as an essential resource for an array of topics. The site's editor, Craig Heimbuch, told Reuters, "A lot of the things that have changed for men have happened in a generation. We don't have that sort of go-talk-to-your-friends mentality."

"If you're looking for disrobed starlets and 175” flat screens, you've come to the wrong place," the site read on its "About Us" page. "However, if you are looking for advice on how to make an easy dinner that will leave your kids happy and your wife feeling safe to let you in the kitchen, we're here."

Click here to visit the site.

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