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New report notes increased digital coupon activity by CPG manufacturers


MINNEAPOLIS Digital coupon distribution by consumer packaged goods manufacturers increased by 3.4% during fourth quarter 2009, across the Web sites monitored as part of the Marx Digital ProMotion Report available exclusively from Marx, a Kantar Media solution.

Of the 152 CPG manufacturers that issued coupons in the quarter, 116 CPG manufacturers distributed digital coupons across the retailer Web sites.  Twenty-six of these 116 manufacturers distributed digital coupons on two or more retailer Web sites, while 11 manufacturers were active across three or more retailer Web sites. In many situations the manufacturers that were active on print-at-home or e-coupon Web sites were also active on retailer Web sites.

“Digital coupons represent a small but growing percentage of total coupon distribution and are gaining traction across an expanding group of CPG manufacturers,” said Mark Nesbitt, Kantar Media president.

Additionally, the average face value per unit increased in 8-out-of-9 major CPG categories which included cereal, dry grocery, frozen products, health care, household products, other packaged goods (i.e. seasonal items), personal care, refrigerated foods and shelf stable beverages. Of the categories, other packaged goods, shelf stable beverages and personal care categories had the greatest increases in average face value per unit of 250%, 44.7% and 30.2%, respectively. Refrigerated foods was the only area with a decrease, declining 22.4%, versus the year-ago period, to 45 cents.

“Coupons are a proven tactic for creating purchase intent and driving planned shopping trips,” said Bob Cristofono, Marx VP sales. “Manufacturers and retailers are developing new ways to engage with consumer and shoppers through multiple platforms including retailer Web sites.”

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