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Nielsen: CPGs should shift focus to baby boomers


NEW YORK As advertisers and consumer goods manufacturers focus on consumers ages 18 to 34 years, one marketing research firm said that one often-ignored group also has leverage in the buying game.

Nielsen reported that baby boomers -- adults born between 1946 and 1964 -- are an affluent group that seek new technology and brands like their descendents and hold 38.5% of CPG dollars, Nielsen revealed in a new report.

Nielsen also revealed that:

  • Dominate 1,023-out-of-1,083 consumer packaged goods categories
  • Watch the most video: 9:34 hours per day
  • Comprise 1/3 of all TV viewers, online users, social media users and Twitter users
  • Time shift TV more than 18-24s (2:32 vs. 1:32)
  • Are significantly more likely to own a DVD player
  • More likely to have broadband Internet access at home

“Boomers should be as desirable for marketers as Millennials and Gen-Xers for years to come; they are the largest single group of consumers, and a valuable target audience. As the U.S. continues to age, reaching this group will continue to be critical for advertisers,” said Pat McDonough, SVP insights, analysis and policy at Nielsen.

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