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PowerAde pushes zero-calorie sports drink, challenges Gatorade


NEW YORK PowerAde, the sports drink produced by Coca-Cola, is boosting its sports beverage line by challenging competitor Gatorade with a lower-calorie product.

Earlier this month, Gatorade launched G2, a sports drink with fewer calories than original Gatorade. To challenge Gatorade, and in keeping in line with Coke’s other zero-calorie beverages—Coke Zero and Sprite Zero—PowerAde has launched PowerAde Zero with a print ad campaign starring tennis player Venus Williams next week. PowerAde Zero has no calories, versus G2’s 25 calories per bottle.

“PowerAde offers carbohydrates for those with intense workouts,” says Matt Kahn, vice president of marketing. “But there’s a whole group of calorie-conscious gym-goers. This is the first major brand to give hydration and electrolytes with zero calories.”

PowerAde said that the launch of PowerAde Zero is an attempt to stimulate growth in its segment. Its new Zero variety is available in strawberry, grape and mixed berry and is flavored with artificial sweeteners acesulfame potassium and sucralose.

G2 has only been on the market four months, but it has already claimed 8 percent of sports-drink sales. PowerAde hopes Zero will soak up a large portion of the segment.

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