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Do consumers prefer to purchase medicines online or in-store?

A significant share of respondents prefer buying medicines in person, per a YouGov survey.

The results of a new survey bode well for brick-and-mortar pharmacies.

The survey, conducted by YouGov, shows that a significant share of respondents (66%) prefer to buy medicines the traditional way by going in person to pharmacies.

While offline shopping remains dominant, a substantial portion of Americans are open to purchasing medicines onlinearound a fifth of the respondents (19%).

[Read more: IQVIA report sizes up medicine use, spending, immunization rates, drug shortages]

Among those who do opt to buy their medications online, around a quarter show interest in quick delivery services (26%) that deliver products within an hour for an additional fee.

The survey also reveals that women were more likely to embrace this option (31%) compared to 21% of men.

[Read more: IQVIA report sizes up trends in new drug launches, clinical trials, R&D funding]

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