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APhA board members head to Capitol Hill for H.R. 4190


WASHINGTON — The American Pharmacists Association’s board of trustees went to Capitol Hill last week to talk to members of Congress and their staff about provider status. Combined, APhA participated in nearly 40 Hill meetings, Thomas Menighan, APhA EVP and CEO, stated on the association’s website.


Each member of the board met with Congress. On the House side, APhA asked members of Congress and their staff to cosponsor H.R. 4190, legislation that would provide Medicare beneficiaries with access to, and coverage for, pharmacist-provided patient care services in medically underserved communities.


A Senate bill has not yet been introduced, but each of APhA’s board members informed senators and staff about pharmacists’ abilities and knowledge, as well as updated them on H.R. 4190.


“It is always a pleasure to represent APhA and our members on the Hill. That Monday was particularly exciting because I was joined by our board members. The results of our activism are showing. We currently have 63 cosponsors for H.R. 4190, and the list grows every day,” Menighan said.

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