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Boomers are natural organic care customers


NEW YORK —The aging baby boomers and changing retail dynamics are largely behind the growth that the natural and organic personal care segment likely will continue to enjoy in the years ahead.

According to the “Natural and Organic Personal Care Products in the U.S.” report from market research publisher Packaged Facts, the segment is expected to reach sales of nearly $10.2 billion by 2012.

Between 2002 and 2006, the segment grew more than $2 billion to $6.1 billion. Helping to drive that growth are sales from baby boomers who are trying to reduce wrinkles, save hair, maintain oral health and use makeup with cosmeceutical benefits—and the growing retail dynamics. At retail, including the mass market, there is now a stronger natural/organic products infrastructure and the industry is increasingly seeing a crossover into the mass and prestige markets.

Packaged Facts stated that it expects these factors to continue to drive growth between 2006 and 2012, along with concern over environmental crises, the sustainability of resources, “fair trade” practices and consumer fear of potentially cancer-causing chemicals.

“The natural HBC market stands to profit from its danger-free stance, provided that product efficacy is improved, consumers are educated as to the benefits of natural/organic preparations and the products’ unique selling propositions are maintained, even as mainstream distribution expands,” the report stated.

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