Exclusive report highlights healthcare technology conference Health 2.0
Looking back at the seventh annual Health 2.0 Fall Conference, which was held Sept. 29 to Oct. 2 in Santa Clara, Calif., at the Santa Clara Convention Center, more than 2,000 health information technology entrepreneurs and thought leaders gathered to forge ahead in leading the healthcare revolution through innovative technologies, policies and collaborative ideas. The conference lineup focused on the role of consumers, big data and healthcare marketplaces in forward-thinking companies and the future of health care.
In this exclusive report, DSN talks to Health 2.0 co-chairman Matthew Holt about the evolution of the conference, and DSN profiles some leading exhibitors from the show about how their companies are leveraging technology to improve the healthcare experience for patients and providers.
To download the exclusive report, visit DrugStoreNews.com/redefining-health-care-health-20-bottom-thinking.