Fire department dedicates Caroline's Cart to local Schnucks store
COTTLEVILLE, Mo. – On March 4 Schnucks will welcome the members of the Cottleville Firefighters Outreach as they dedicate a Caroline’s Carts shopping cart to the grocer’s Cottleville locations at 6083 Mid Rivers Mall Drive. CFO partnered with Schnucks Cottleville to make a cart available for local residents after learning how Caroline’s Carts helps parents of children with special needs better navigate a grocery store.
“We are thankful to CFO for including Schnucks in their community outreach,” stated Schnucks director community affairs Joanie Taylor, who coordinated the placement of the cart within the Cottleville store with CFO and Caroline’s Cart. “Our partner at Variety the Children’s Charity of St. Louis and their interim executive director Brian Roy identified at least three families in the area who will be able to take advantage of CFO’s generosity while shopping at Schnucks.”
“Caroline’s Carts are created for children with special needs,” said Skip Stephens, CFO executive director. “They provide parents and caregivers a viable option to shop with children without having the impossible task of having to maneuver a wheelchair and a traditional grocery cart at the same time.”
Schnucks’ Cottleville location will be the company’s eighth store to offer customers a Caroline’s Cart. Representatives from CFO, Schnucks and Variety the Children’s Charity of St. Louis will come together at Schnucks Cottleville on March 4 at 10 a.m. to dedicate the cart.