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Pharmacy’s grassroots presence is telling


Randy Edeker, chairman, CEO and president of Hy-Vee and NACDS chairman of the board

Pharmacy’s engagement with legislators through the National Association of Chain Drug Stores RxImpact grassroots program provides a window into the industry and the profession.

Face-to-face interactions between patients and pharmacists contribute substantially to pharmacy’s value and position of trust. In a survey commissioned by NACDS last summer, half of respondents indicated that they had spoken with a pharmacist in the past 12 months about a question related to a prescription drug. They spoke with a pharmacist about an over-the-counter medication at the same rate. Three-in-10 spoke to a pharmacist about a personal health question.

Given that personal contact between patients and pharmacist is a hallmark of community pharmacies, it is only fitting that relationships between pharmacists and legislators help to develop policies that can improve access to health care.

Members of Congress have become familiar with NACDS RxImpact Day on Capitol Hill, now in its eighth year. In 2015, NACDS members conducted 462 meetings during this “Hill day,” reaching more than 85% of the U.S. Congress. Yet, the grassroots engagement of NACDS members goes beyond these meetings in Washington, D.C.

NACDS members last year hosted 156 pharmacy tours and other events for members of Congress in their states and districts. In addition, the NACDS RxImpact program invested in the future of pharmacy’s grassroots engagement by conducting 24 grassroots training programs for member companies and for colleges and schools of pharmacy.

In 2016, NACDS RxImpact Votes — the bipartisan get-out-the-vote arm of the grassroots program — is focusing on educating pharmacy personnel about opportunities to make their mark on the elections by volunteering for, and building turnout for, the candidates of their choice.

NACDS members have a somewhat unique grassroots strength in that — collectively — they operate stores in every congressional district and state. Pharmacy’s commitment to leverage this presence and to engage in productive dialogue with legislators reflects pharmacy’s role as the face of neighborhood health care. We look forward to working with members of Congress on an ongoing basis for the benefit of patients and consumers.

To see the full report, click here.

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