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Shoppers fetching natural dog food


NEW YORK — Pet lovers want the best for their furry friends. Last year, Americans spent $55 billion on their pets, according to Packaged Facts, and the upward trend shows no signs of slowing.

One of the brightest spots in the pet category is natural and organic pet food. While Packaged Facts estimated that the market segment accounts for about 7% of pet food sales, the market research firm sees a huge upside to the segment.

The American Pet Products Association said pet food trends are mimicking human food and diet trends. Antioxidant ingredients are likely to become common. Formulas designed to combat pet obesity also are becoming more popular. Veterinarians estimated that 14% of cats and 12% of dogs are obese.


 The article above is part of the DSN Category Review Series. For the complete Pet Food Sell-Through Report, including extensive charts, data and more analysis, click here.

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