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Colorado becomes 16th state to restrict DXM sales

This summer, Colorado added a law to its books making it the 16th state to restrict sale of OTC medicines with dextromethorphan, or DXM, to minors. Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper’s signing of HB 1307 has earned praise from the Consumer Health Products Association.

“This is a common-sense law, that restricts access to teens who may abuse these products, while maintaining access for the millions of Americans who use them responsibly,” CHPA president and CEO Scott Melville said. “Committed Colorado state lawmakers have been crucial allies in our abuse prevention efforts, and we thank them for their hard work.”

CHPA has been supportive of educational efforts nationwide aimed at stopping teen OTC cough medicine abuse. Its website includes collaborations with such organizations as the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and Community Anti-Drug Coaltions of America.

Last year, CHPA launched an initiative to support retailers in states with laws like Colorado's, offering free materials through the Stop Medicine Abuse website, the organization said.
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