Dulcolax, CCA encourage consumers to get screened for colon cancer
RIDGEFIELD, Conn. — Dulcolax has teamed up with the Colon Cancer Alliance and American fashion designer Carmen Marc Valvo to encourage men and women to be proactive about their colon health by getting a colonoscopy.
According to a new survey conducted on behalf of Boehringer Ingelheim, the makers of Dulcolax, and the CCA, more than a quarter (27%) of respondents ages 50 years and older have not had a colonoscopy, a colon cancer screening test, with the most often-cited reason being that they do not have a family history of colon cancer. What's more, 60% of those respondents said they would be more concerned about the preparation than the actual procedure. Valvo, who was diagnosed with colon cancer eight years ago, said the benefits of a colon cancer screening outweighed the discomfort.
"I certainly understand why people are hesitant to be examined, but the fact is, it's not nearly as uncomfortable as you might imagine, and any discomfort from the screening is surely outweighed by the benefits of preventing cancer from developing or catching it in its early stages," Valvo said. Valvo now is cancer-free.
As part of its support of colon cancer screenings, Boehringer Ingelheim noted that a portion of proceeds from the purchase of Dulcolax supports free colon cancer screenings for those in need.