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Viactiv targets teens to boost calcium supplementation


GREENWICH, Conn. - Viactiv last week announced its calcium supplement chew will partner with Varsity Spirit, a leader in cheerleading and dance team education, on educating young women around why calcium intake today is so important for bones later in life, including easy ways to get their daily requirement. 


“Varsity Spirit’s partnership with Viactiv is the optimal platform for the brand to speak to a large segment of active, young women who care about health and fitness, yet may not be aware that their diets are lacking in critical nutrients and supplements,” stated Marlene Cota, VP corporate alliances for Varsity Brands, headquartered in Memphis, Tenn.


“With this unique partnership, Viactiv is bucking the trend in the calcium category by shifting the focus from only talking to pre-menopausal/menopausal women, and instead, speaking directly to the next generation of calcium users,” added David Claroni, VP sales and operations for Viactiv. “At the same time, we also will be connecting with their mothers, who are approaching the second most important age group for calcium supplementation. It’s something that teen girls and their moms can focus on together and Viactiv is here to help supplement when daily diet falls short.”   


As part of the Viactiv/Varsity Spirit partnership which launched in July nationwide at their summer camp programs, more than 320,000 women, from cheer/dance campers to peer counselors/coaches, will learn about the important role of calcium, and receive Viactiv samples including coupons.


In addition, Viactiv will appear in full-page ads and editorial features throughout American Cheerleader magazine, which is read by more than 300,000 active cheerleaders and dance team members, coaches, parents and fans nationwide. Features will promote the #TeamBeActiv photo sweeps on Instagram to launch Viactiv’s new Instagram channel. Five winners will have their team photos featured in American Cheerleader magazine and receive $500 in team fundraising grants from Viactiv.


Teen calcium deficiency comes at a critical time when their bone mass is developing, reaching peak bone mass by age 20. Because many teens are starting at too low of a place due to lack of calcium in their diets, they’re already at a disadvantage for not banking enough for the long term.


“At Varsity Spirit we’re always promoting a healthy and active lifestyle, so it was a natural fit,” Cota said. “Varsity Spirit’s commitment to Viactiv through 2015 will allow for young girls to be educated through their coaches and camp instructors, so the messaging resonates and leaves a lasting impact throughout bone building years.”


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