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NAD to Novartis: Modify or discontinue advertising claims for Extra-Strength Excedrin


NEW YORK The National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus on Wednesday recommended that Novartis modify or discontinue certain advertising claims for Extra-Strength Excedrin.

NAD examined claims that Novartis’ Extra-Strength Excedrin provided pain relief in as quickly as 15 minutes, based on a challenge from Wyeth. NAD examined evidence that included a study provided by Novartis on subjects who took either Extra Strength Excedrin or a placebo. NAD determined that the evidence demonstrated that while some consumers may feel some relief in fifteen minutes, most consumers will not experience perceptible relief in that short of a time period.

NAD recommended that the advertiser either discontinue the claim or substantially modify it to reflect the results of its study — that some people, not most, will experience some relief in as little as 15 minutes.

“Novartis respectfully disagrees with the NAD’s decision as to how consumers interpret its express claim ‘Start[s] relieving your headache in just fifteen minutes,’” the company stated in its response to NAD.

Novartis has reported it will appeal certain NAD findings to the National Advertising Review Board.

NAD, the advertising industry’s self-regulatory forum, examined broadcast advertising for the product following a challenge by Wyeth, a manufacturer of competing pain relief products.

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