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Ohio becomes 25th state to adopt NPLEx


WASHINGTON — The Consumer Healthcare Products Association last week applauded Ohio Gov. John Kasich for signing into law House Bill 334, an anti-methamphetamine bill authored by Reps. Terry Johnson, R-Portsmouth, and Danny Bupb, R-West Union. With the new law, Ohio now becomes the 25th state to adopt real-time, stop-sale technology known as the National Precursor Log Exchange.

"Ohio now joins 24 states that have adopted real-time, stop-sale technology," stated Scott Melville, president and CEO of CHPA. "Not only does the proven system stop illegal sales of popular cold and allergy medicines, it also ensures that law-abiding consumers continue to have access to the medicines they rely on for relief from cold and allergy symptoms," he said. "Passage of this important legislation is a significant step in Ohio's battle against meth production and a victory for law enforcement officials, retailers, doctors and consumers."

NPLEx is a tool that enables retailers to block unlawful attempted purchases of cold and allergy medicines containing pseudoephedrine that exceed daily or monthly limits established by the 2005 Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act. Prior to NPLEx, retailers had to manually record PSE purchases in a hand-written logbook.



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