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Survey concludes supplement users will continue with regular routine despite economy


WASHINGTON Consumers of dietary supplements don’t intend to cut back on their supplement regimen, a new survey conducted by Ipsos-Public Affiairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition that was released last week found.

According to the survey, 51 percent of supplement users indicated that the economy will likely not change their supplement-purchasing habits. Survey results also showed that of the 51 percent who don’t plan on cutting back their supplement routine, 13 percent of dietary supplement consumers went further to say that supplements are “an essential part of my wellness regimen, and I cannot do without them.”

“It’s encouraging to see that, despite the current economic climate, such a large percentage of adults are continuing to invest in their health by including dietary supplements as a part of their wellness regimen,” stated Judy Blatman, senior vice president, communications, CRN.  “Engaging in preventative health measures today, such as incorporating supplements into a healthy lifestyle, may help avoid potential healthcare costs down the road.”

Although survey results showed that most supplement consumers don’t plan on cutting back on their supplement routine regardless of economic anxieties, some may alter their purchasing habits.  In fact, nearly a third of supplement users surveyed (30 percent) indicated that, while they will continue to purchase dietary supplements, price will become a more important factor in the purchasing process.  Further, an additional 13 percent responded that, given the potential downturn in the economy, they will continue to purchase, but will likely purchase less in the future. 

And while the overwhelming majority of supplement users plan to continue with their supplement regimen in one way or another, a small portion of the survey respondents said they might suspend their supplement usage altogether should the need arise.  Survey results showed that six percent of supplement users consider dietary supplements a luxury and believe they can do without them during economic hardships. 

“Times are tough for many Americans right now, and countless families are faced with the difficult position of cutting back on items that are not of absolute necessity when trying to balance higher costs in gasoline, groceries and other daily necessities,” Blatman said. “We were pleased to see that an overwhelming majority of supplement users recognize the value of taking vitamins, minerals and other supplements, and are making a concerted effort to invest in their health long term.”   

The 2008 CRN Consumer Survey on Dietary Supplements, formerly known as the CRN Consumer Confidence Survey, was conducted Aug. 20-25 online and included a national sample of 2,013 adults aged 18 and older from Ipsos’ U.S. on-line panel. The survey has been conducted annually since 2000.

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