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Top external analgesics show positive dollar sales


In the external analgesic category multi-outlet channel, private label experienced the highest percent of units sold on promotion (24%). (Figure 1) Among national brands, Salonpas displayed the highest percent of units sold on promotion (22%). Icy Hot experienced the largest annual gross sales ($116 million) followed by Salonpas and private label across all outlets. Most of the top brands in this segment showed a positive percent change in dollar sales compared with the prior year. However, private label and Bengay showed reduced retail sales by 4% and 5% respectively.

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In the drug class of trade, private label ranked second in retail sales reflecting $32 million, while Salonpas ranked third with $27 million in retail sales for the past 52 weeks.

CPR average retailer margins by channel demonstrates that Salonpas has the highest average retailer margins in the food (42%) and drug (49%) channels. These margins are above average for the external analgesic-rubs segment, margins that reflect 38% and 43% for the food and drug channels, respectively. CPR’s Retailer Margin Report indicates that among the various segments in the internal pain category, the anti-itch segment has higher retailer margin percentages — mass (36%), food (40%) and drug (51%) — compared with category average margin percentages — mass (34%), food (39%) and drug (44%). In the internal analgesic category, feminine pain relief has greater overall average retailer margin in all channels. In contrast, general pain relief experienced lower average retailer margin compared with category averages. (Figure 2)

According to ECRM, circular ad counts for the internal analgesics segment are far greater than circular ads offered by the external analgesics segment. Private label offered the highest number of ads (667), while Bayer offered the least (17). In comparison, in the external rubs segment, private label offered the highest number of ads (90) while Bengay offered the fewest ads with only 23 circular ads.

DSN has partnered with Competitive Promotion Report (CPR) and IRI to create a series of exclusive reports. This article highlights the market performance of major brands in the pain category for both the internal and external analgesic segments. The time period covered for this article is the past 24 months ended June 14, 2015. This analysis was gathered using growth in retail sales, CPR average retailer margin percentages, and retailer ads in the analgesics category.

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