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VMS industry requests FDA dedicate greater resources to regulating industry


WASHINGTON – Six associations representing the dietary supplement industry last week requested that the Division of Dietary Supplement Programs be elevated to an “Office” within the Food and Drug Administration. 


“We believe that the elevation of DDSP to an 'office' would provide appropriate regulatory attention to the growing industry and increase FDA’s enforcement activities and priorities,” the trade associations said. “In addition, we believe such a reorganization would enhance the effectiveness of dietary supplement regulation by allowing this new Office to better compete for resources and attention within the Agency.”


The trade associations also expressed their concern over “blatant” criminal activity in the supplement industry. “We believe that elevating DDSP’s status to an Office would help increase FDA’s abilities to take more aggressive enforcement action; raise the visibility and attention for dietary supplement safety and compliance measures at FDA; and better utilize CFSAN’s enforcement resources.”


The six associations include the American Herbal Products Association, the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, the Council for Responsible Nutrition, the Natural Products Association and the United Natural Products Alliance. 




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