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Grassroots policy effort gaining support from patients allied with pharmacy owners


ALEXANDRIA, Va. An online grassroots campaign by independent pharmacy operators has enlisted more than 12,000 patients in the six weeks since its launch, the National Community Pharmacists Association said Tuesday.

NCPA member pharmacies are on a drive to recruit at least 50,000 of their customers this year for the grassroots lobbying campaign, called The aim: to turn pharmacy patients into informed healthcare activists and enlist their support in efforts to influence federal policy on behalf of community pharmacy.


“It’s a tremendous achievement to have 12,000 patients already signed up for Fight4Rx,” said NCPA EVP and CEO Bruce Roberts. “This level of patient outreach demonstrates that both community pharmacists and their patients recognize the importance of being heard in the health care policy debate in Washington.”

Patients are signing up for Figh4Rx directly through their local community pharmacies, which average over 100 patient interactions per day. Fight4Rx resources include issue briefs on pharmacy patient issues, Medicare and health care news updates, and a video blog on the campaign’s home page,

The site features regular updates from pharmacy industry experts. Patients receive a monthly e-mail newsletter, which updates them on key pharmacy issues and news, as well as action alerts encouraging patients to contact their elected officials on critical issues affecting their access to local community pharmacies.

“I commend my fellow community pharmacists for helping to make Fight4Rx a success,” said NCPA president Holly Henry, who owns three pharmacies in the Seattle area. “With the health care policy debate already beginning, it is vital that patients continue to speak up on the vital role community pharmacies play in keeping health care costs low and quality of care high.”

One active proponent of the grassroots effort is Bruce Wood, owner of Dicks Pharmacy in Arthur, Illinois.

“When I heard about Fight4Rx, I told my staff to start getting our patients signed up right away,” Wood said. “Patients have been approaching me even outside my pharmacy, thanks in no small part to the word of mouth about this effort, to say they were joining Fight4Rx because they understand how important it is to stand up for their health care needs. Standing on the sidelines is no longer an option.”

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