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HappyOrNot data finds high pharmacy satisfaction


WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Instant customer and employee satisfaction reporting company HappyOrNot has taken a look at how 5.2 million patients rate their pharmacies. Using its HappyOrNot feedback terminals — which allow users to choose from four smiley faces that reflect their experience — HappyOrNot has found a 94.6% satisfaction rate among its 136 pharmacies worldwide. 


HappyOrNot’s data found that satisfaction in pharmacies is highest on Thursday and lowest on Sunday, and patients in the pharmacy between 9 and 11 a.m. report the best experience. The results also show that much of 2016 saw increases in satisfaction, with the year peaking in December with a 94.1% satisfaction rating. 


“Many of our clients acknowledge that measuring, tracking, and improving customer experiences is a worthy goal as it boosts loyalty, drives higher conversions and, ultimately, increases revenue,” HappyOrNot founder and CEO Heikki Väänänen said. “They also realize that in order to improve quality, increase market share, optimize service, they must align all aspects of the organization in an effort to improve and manage performance.” 


HappyOrNot said key drivers of patient satisfaction include staff friendliness, wait time, having a knowledgeable staff, ease of refill, cost competitiveness and the availability of wellness or preventive care options, among others. 


One key to driving customer satisfaction, according to a participating pharmacy owner, is having an engaged workforce. 


“Engaged employees create engaged customers,” Rhett Majoria, co-owner and chief pharmacist of Terrytown, La.-based Majoria Drugs said. “At the store level, the presence of feedback terminals made everyone more aware of their interactions with customers, especially since we post the weekly results on our staff board and discuss results in our meetings. Also, anytime we hit 100% in customer satisfaction we email the staff and it serves as a ‘great job’ dopamine hit! The feedback device and the reporting service is the best, yet one of the smallest, investments we have made in our pharmacy.” 


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