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Mobile app searches for safe drug disposal sites


WASHINGTON — An organization that promotes efforts to stop prescription drug abuse announced Tuesday the release of a mobile app that directs users to places where they can safely get rid of unwanted and unused medications.

The American Medicine Chest Challenge said the AMCC Rx Drop app, sponsored by the Generic Pharmaceutical Association, links to the AMCC's directory of local, county and state law enforcement-sponsored permanent collection sites around the country. The app is available for Apple and Android devices.

"Having 24-hour access in the palm of your hand to locations of permanent sites will help parents and grandparents protect their families by safely disposing of their medicine," AMCC CEO Angelo Valente said.

According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, 70% of people who abuse prescription pain relievers obtained them from friends or relatives, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that prescription drug abuse causes one death every 19 minutes in the United States.

"GPhA has been a longtime supporter of the AMCC, and this new app will provide an important new tool to help us achieve our shared goal of ensuring that medications made to improve the quality of lives are not abused," GPhA president and CEO Ralph Neas said. "The generic pharmaceutical is committed to working with all stakeholders to put a stop to the problem of prescription drug diversion in the United States and help make certain that caregivers and family members are not alone in this fight."

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