NACDS joins National Diabetes Goal
WASHINGTON The National Association of Chain Drug Stores has joined a national campaign, the National Diabetes Goal—which began today—to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes among at-risk Americans.
The National Changing Diabetes Program launched the National Diabetes Goal, which seeks to ensure that by the year 2015, 45 percent of Americans who are at risk for type 2 diabetes will know their blood glucose level and what actions to take to manage the disease. For individuals who have blood glucose levels in the pre-diabetic range, reducing blood glucose levels can help prevent or delay the onset of diabetes.
“The National Diabetes Goal presents an excellent opportunity to help change the trajectory of diabetes in America,” said NACDS president and chief executive officer Steve Anderson. “We are pleased to be a partner in this effort, and we commend NACDS associate member Novo Nordisk and the supporting organizations for their commitment to this vital work.”
NACDS joins a number of health care organizations in this campaign, including the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American Diabetes Association and the American College of Physicians.
“This initiative has the potential to save and improve lives, and to mitigate the effects of chronic disease for patients and their families, as well as for the entire healthcare system,” Anderson continued. “America’s pharmacies play a pivotal role in helping patients manage diabetes and other chronic diseases. NACDS’ involvement in this program reflects the value that pharmacies deliver on a consistent basis as the face of neighborhood healthcare.”