NACDS, NCPA praise passage of Senate's 'jobs' bill
ALEXANDRIA, Va. Two organizations representing the drug retailing industry and the nation's independent pharmacies applauded the passage of H.R. 4213 -- the American Workers, State and Business Relief Act of 2010 -- introduced by Sens. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Max Baucus, D-Mont.
The National Association of Chain Drug Stores and the National Community Pharmacists Association lauded H.R. 4213, which is in part designed to extend tax breaks, jobless benefits and highway funds to Americans, in addition to benefit those representing by NACDS and NCPA, that is, it will keep Medicare reimbursement rates at current levels, and includes a six-month extension of the temporary increase in the federal medical assistance percentage.
Said NCPA EVP and CEO Bruce Roberts, “The Senate did the right thing in approving provisions that help ensure Medicare and Medicaid patients’ access to health care is not compromised. These important provisions give seniors more options to obtain valuable medical supplies, like diabetes testing strips, and maintain the ability of our most economically disadvantaged patients to purchase needed prescription drugs. Now it is critical that when House lawmakers consider moving their own ‘jobs’ bill, that these pharmacy and patient-friendly provisions be included.”
Both organizations “urge expedited advancement of this legislation through Congress, to President Obama's desk, and into law.”
“NACDS commends the Senate for passing legislation that is vital for pharmacy patient care. The NACDS members who are in Washington this week for the NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill will thank Senators for advancing this legislation, and urge its forward progress,” said NACDS president and CEO Steve Anderson.