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NACDS supports anticounterfeiting legislation


ALEXANDRIA, Va. — New legislation proposed in the Senate would strengthen penalties against people who traffic in counterfeit medications.

Introduced by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., S. 1886, the Counterfeit Drug Penalty Enhancement Act of 2011, would harshen laws against producing, buying or selling counterfeit drugs. The bill has received support from the chain retail pharmacy lobby.

"[The National Association of Chain Drug Stores] and the chain pharmacy industry applaud your leadership in taking steps to protect American consumers by advocating for stricter sentences for criminals in the counterfeit medicine business," a letter the organization sent to Sen. Leahy read. "Presently, the federal penalty for a counterfeiting crime is typically three years. We believe that stronger deterrents, as provided in your legislation, are more appropriate for these potentially deadly crimes involving counterfeit medicine."


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