MIAMI — Navarro Discount Pharmacy, the nation's largest Hispanic-owned drugstore, has donated $15,470 to the Centro Mater Foundation. The employee/corporate gift provides critical funding to ensure needy children can attend Centro Mater's summer camp program.
For 45 years, Centro Mater has provided care, education, nourishment, health services and after-school programs to children in Miami-Dade of every race, faith and nationality from 6 weeks to 12 years of age.
Pictured above, from left to right: Lillian May, Centro Mater Foundation board member; Marbelys de la Osa, community coordinator, Centro Mater Foundation; Claudia de la Cruz, president, Center Mater Foundation; Cristy Leon-Rivero, chief marketing officer, Navarro Discount Pharmacy; and Erica Perez, marketing manager, Navarro Discount Pharmacy.