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85% — that’s more or less the combined market share for the companies that make up the 2011 DSN PoweRx50, approximately $185 billion of the total $218 billion retail pharmacy industry. Numbering almost 50,000 stores among them, or more than 8-of-10 of all the pharmacies in the United States — BAM! — the DSN PoweRx50 indisputably reflects the true titans of the retail pharmacy industry.

What makes the DSN PoweRx50 different? The DSN PoweRx50 is the ONLY truly CHANNEL-AGNOSTIC ranking of the retail pharmacy industry that truly measures all of retail pharmacy, including traditional drug chains, independents, supermarkets, mass and club stores — ALL of it. BA-BOOM!

Why do we do it that way? Because everybody sells everything everybody else sells, and everyone shops everywhere for everything. Traditional drug stores fighting for a share of that business no longer can afford to worry ONLY about competing with other drug stores. Vendors looking to maximize distribution for their products no longer can afford a myopic, single-channel view of the business. The lines that once defined the different classes of trade haven’t just blurred — they’re GONE. 

The DSN PoweRx50 measures all of these very different companies by the one metric that matters — pharmacy sales — and the relative commitment of senior management to growing share of pharmacy, health and wellness. KA-POW!

For the full DSN PoweRx50 Annual Report 2011, click here.

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