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Walgreens looks back at Deans Advisory Council's progress on its anniversary

The Council’s first year has brought tangible solutions to strengthen the pharmacy talent pipeline.
walgreens deans advisory council

Walgreens is reflecting on the progress made over the last year since the launch of its Deans Advisory Council, formed with the goal of enhancing the pharmacy profession and advancing solutions to attract, recruit and create a dynamic workplace for current and future pharmacists.

A year in, the partnership with 17 pharmacy school deans has proven to be effective, Walgreens reported. With the deans’ work deeply rooted in nurturing the talent pipeline, coupled with Walgreens’ reach and trusted relationships, the collaboration has helped influence and deliver visible progress including:

  • Launching the Walgreens Student Loan 401(k) Match Program, which helps students manage their student loan debt and invest in a secure financial future.
  • Using direct student feedback, enhanced the Walgreens Pharmacy Educational Assistance Program, providing tuition assistance when eligible team members are enrolled in a professional pharmacy program while working for Walgreens as a pharmacy intern. Awards can be as much as $40,000.
  • Expanding Walgreens’ residency program to include new pharmacy residencies at Western University, Drake University and Presbyterian College.
  • Establishing pharmacy practice fellowships, with the goal of hiring fellows at the conclusion of the program. This post-graduate training program provides a unique experience for pharmacists to gain exposure to all aspects of pharmacy practice management.
  • Launching the Patient Code of Conduct, which reinforces expectations that patients remain kind and respectful as they engage with team members along their healthcare journey.
  • Revamping the Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience to focus on the evolving practice of pharmacy, emphasizing direct patient care over traditional prescription fulfillment.
  • Advocating state and federal legislation that expands pharmacists' scope of practice, such as the Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act.

[Read more: Walgreens partners with colleges to advance pharmacy profession]

“Pharmacists continue to serve as the first point of contact for patients entering the health care system,” said John Colaizzi Jr., head of enterprise pharmacy practice at Walgreens and co-chair of the Council. “Our work is rooted in the fundamental belief that local, accessible care is in high demand now more than ever. This partnership with the deans builds on our long-standing relationship with schools of pharmacy and is driving meaningful change across the industry to evolve our practice, encourage community pharmacy as a practice setting of choice, and create work environments that are conducive to the well-being of pharmacists everywhere.”

In addition to addressing talent pipeline and financial challenges for pharmacy students, the Council is engaged in ongoing work to ensure the profession’s sustainability through reimbursement reform.

“The deans have been an important voice in our ongoing dialogues with legislators, championing initiatives to stabilize and clarify reimbursement structures, emphasizing fair pricing and recognizing pharmacists’ important role in the healthcare ecosystem,” said Rick Gates, chief pharmacy officer at Walgreens.

Deans are central to fostering the talent pipeline, and Walgreens' technologies, like micro-fulfillment centers and centralized services, are influencing curriculums, the retailer said.

“Having a seat at the table has allowed us to share the latest pharmacy innovations and patient care approaches, ensuring students have hands-on experiences that focus on improving patient healthcare,” said Angela Kashuba, co-chair of the Walgreens Dean Advisory Council and dean of the University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy. “The commitment from Walgreens leadership, from CEO Tim Wentworth to Rick Gates, has been key to our success.”

[Read more: Walgreens leaders make 10 healthcare industry predictions for 2024]

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