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Schick Xtreme creates club catering to those who are bald

Schick Xtreme is catering to those who are bald with a new club for Bald Important People, or BIP.

The Shelton, Conn.-based company’s BIP club looks to offer one-in-a-lifetime perks and experiences to help those who are bald push boundaries and expand their comfort zones.

To kick off this movement, BIP will look to invade New York City’s Fashion Week and hold the “Baldest Party Ever” on Sept. 13. The ticket to get in? Having a bald head, the company said.

"Schick Xtreme disposable razors have been praised by head shavers for decades because our razors are designed to flex and adapt to the contours of your face and head for extreme closeness and comfort everywhere you shave," Matt Bell, the vice president North America at Edgewell Personal Care said. "With BIP we're creating a community and providing solutions for bald and bald curious guys to courageously pursue a life of spontaneity."

Those who wish to RSVP ahead of the big night can do so via the Bald Important People website, where they will be prompted to scan their head through Schick Xtreme’s Bald Detection Technology.

Overall, through its BIP movement, the brand is looking to create a community for those who are experiencing hair loss that will encourage and support to expand beyond their comfort zones, the company said.
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