Activities, characters win over segment
"Toy dollar sales are up 4% in the drug store channel," said David Luth, principal at Radian Group, a market research firm. "The chains that do the best in this category are those that make an intentional decision to be in the business. That doesn't mean that they have to devote 80 ft. to the category, but if they devote 20 ft., they should do a great job with the space they give it. They have to have the right toys at competitive prices."
Spray away bad behavior
OMAHA, Neb. — Sergeant's Pet Care Products has created an innovative product called Vetscription PetSTOP! behavior correction spray for dogs and cats to help modify destructive or aggressive behavior. This new spray combines noise and a specially developed pheromone mist to provide quick, effective results. The spray's patent-pending pheromone mist is longer-lasting than noise products alone, so it helps redirect the pet's attention and behavior, and reminds pets not to re-engage in negative behavior, such as excessive barking, chewing or pulling on a leash.