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  • Mylan launches generic version of Prandin

    PITTSBURGH — Mylan on Thursday announced that its subsidiary has launched repaglinide tablets, a generic version of Novo Nordisk's Prandin. The drug is used to improve glycemic control in adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

    Repaglinide tablets in 0.5 mg, 1 mg and 2 mg had sales in the United States of approximately $212.95 million for the 12 months ending Sept. 30, 2013, according to IMS Health.


  • Condom Depot: Okamoto's Crown named 'World's Best Condom' for 13 years running

    TAMPA, Fla. — Condom Depot on Wednesday released the list of the World's Best Condoms Awards, naming Okamoto's Crown Skinless Skin the No. 1 ranked condom. Okamoto has retained this distinction for 13 years running.  

    Rankings No. 2 through 10 included: 

  • Survey suggests those in search of Cupid's arrow may want to kick the smoking habit

    NEW YORK — and Pfizer on Wednesday announced results from a recent survey showing that single smokers may want to consider breaking up with their cigarettes as they look for that special someone this year. Nearly 9-in-10 (89%) respondents said they prefer not to date someone who smokes, and when asked which actions were unacceptable on a first date, more said taking a smoke break (51%) than checking one’s phone (45%) or being late (40%).

  • SheaMoisture releases new baby care products

    AMITYVILLE, N.Y. — SheaMoisture, a personal care brand, has released two new products formulated especially for babies and children with allergies and skin sensitivities.

  • Study: Vitamin D supplementation 'may contribute to better outcomes for many MS patients'

    BOSTON — For patients in the early stages of multiple sclerosis, low levels of vitamin D were found to strongly predict disease severity and hasten its progression, according to a new study led by the Harvard School of Public Health investigators in collaboration with Bayer HealthCare. The findings suggest that patients in the early stages of MS could stave off disease symptoms by increasing their vitamin D intake.

  • Survey: Latinos see diabetes as biggest health concern for their families

    BOSTON — A new NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health poll released Tuesday found that Latinos in America see diabetes as the biggest health problem for their own families.

    Nearly 1-in-5 (19%) Latinos said diabetes is the biggest health problem facing their families. The next most cited problem, cancer, is mentioned by just 1-in-20 Latinos (5%). Diabetes was the biggest health problem reported by both immigrant (16%) and non-immigrant Latinos (22%).

  • J&J's return to market of several iconic OTC brands a success

    NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — McNeil Consumer Healthcare has returned approximately 75% of its OTC portfolio to store shelves, Alex Gorsky, Johnson & Johnson chairman and CEO told analysts Tuesday. "Growth in the consumer segment was achieved in part as a result of our success in restoring a reliable supply of OTC products to the United States marketplace, and we’re starting to see them gain traction as well, once they’re back in the market," he said. Gorsky outlined a number of brands that have grown J&J's U.S.

  • Study: Pharmavite's CholestOff found to lower LDL

    NORTHRIDGE, Calif. —  A research study published this month in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics demonstrated the effectiveness of a sterol/stanol ester softgel capsule for lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in individuals with high cholesterol levels. 

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