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  • Missouri legislator proposes moving PSE Rx-only

    Issue: How do you stop meth addicts from circumventing current pseudoephedrine purchase restrictions by buying their respective PSE limits across several area pharmacies, a practice that’s been dubbed “group smurfing”? Answer: Create an electronic real-time logbook database so that law enforcement can catch these “smurfers” in the act.

  • CVS Caremark pulls in record results

    News that CVS Caremark pulled in record results for the fourth quarter and year 2008, in light of the current economy, not only speaks volumes of the company’s well-oiled team of merchants, marketing and operations executives but is also a testament to its evolving role as a pharmacy healthcare service company focused on healthcare reform.

  • MinuteClinic and Cleveland Clinic enter in to clinical collaboration

    The announcement that MinuteClinic and Cleveland Clinic have entered a clinical collaboration is a major example of how providers are communicating electronically to advance patient care, aside from e-prescribing.

    While most of the retail-based clinic operators, such as MinuteClinic and Take Care Health Systems, have long used electronic health records to share patient information and ensure continuity of care, this streamlining of systems takes that communication yet one step higher.

  • Pharmacy’s role in health reform

    WASHINGTON “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we will all hang separately.” That dictum, attributed to Ben Franklin, could apply to the increasingly urgent campaign by a wide-ranging assortment of pharmacy and retail advocacy groups to speak with one voice in policymaking circles. In the midst of an economic crisis, a dysfunctional healthcare system in dire need of new cost-saving solutions and a revolution in technology and communications, pharmacy leaders from every practice setting are acutely aware of the need for a united front.


  • Boston bans tobacco sales in retail pharmacies

    A few months after San Francisco drug stores cleared their inventories of anything with tobacco, a city on the opposite side of the country passed a similar ban. Boston has banned tobacco sales in retail pharmacies as well, but its ban covers all stores that operate pharmacies, not just drug stores.

  • Walgreens ad focuses on pharmacy's and clinic's roll in healthcare reform

    This full-page ad taken out by Walgreens is important as it comes at a time when healthcare reform is top of mind.

    The ad serves as a call to action for healthcare providers, along with state and federal government, to work together to develop a high quality and affordable healthcare system. It also calls for payers, politicians and policy makers to recognize the value of an expanded role for retail-based clinics beyond simply acute care.

  • Daschle withdraws, Obama loses point man on healthcare reform

    WASHINGTON Doesn’t anybody here pay their taxes? Tom Daschle, the former powerful leader of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate, was one of President Barack Obama’s earliest Cabinet selections and his top choice to run both the huge federal healthcare bureaucracy and a new, White House office spearheading the planned overhaul of the healthcare system.

  • Journals focus on prevention with multivitamins

    There has always been an undercurrent of thought that a pound of prevention might save an ounce of cure. And now that cure is outweighing prevention in terms of cost, combined with the fact that Americans are looking for just about any way to save a buck these days.

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