Red Bull Editions to enter market in 2013
LAS VEGAS — Red Bull will introduce a new line of energy drinks this coming March.
The Red Bull Editions, which provide the same functional benefits of the original, come in cranberry, lime and blueberry flavors and are packaged in red, silver and blue cans, respectively. The new beverages were showcased at the National Association of Convenience Stores conference this month in Las Vegas.
Red Bull Editions will be available nationwide in single 8.4.-oz. single cans and 8.4-oz. four-packs.
AccuDial launches line of Go-Green children's cough and cold products
PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — AccuDial Pharmaceutical recently launched four products as part of its Go-Green pediatric liquid cough-cold lineup that features dosing information on a rotating label, a larger 6-point font and a dosing cup that's shrink-wrapped to the top of the container.