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Pharmacy Technology

  • Journals focus on prevention with multivitamins

    There has always been an undercurrent of thought that a pound of prevention might save an ounce of cure. And now that cure is outweighing prevention in terms of cost, combined with the fact that Americans are looking for just about any way to save a buck these days.

  • Walgreens circles back to Greg Wasson for chief executive spot

    Pick an outside turnaround artist/corporate hotshot to lead the nation’s most storied drug store retailer? Forget it.

  • Rushing HIT legislation could increase healthcare costs

    While Drug Store News has been, and continues to be, a staunch supporter for the widespread adoption of healthcare information technology — as it is the most logical first step toward a working healthcare system where providers communicate, patients get better, and payers get their money’s worth — rushing HIT legislation through in the name of economic stimulus is the wrong idea. And, not because HIT adoption won’t create jobs and stimulate the economy, either.

  • Walgreens outlook not gloom and doom

    For several years, the Walgreens annual shareholders meeting had been a time of yearly celebration; this year, however, executives had a bit of explaining to do, in order to convince investors that the company remains a top-notch investment.

  • Emily's Law elevates role of pharmacy techs in Ohio

    The Ohio Legislature’s passage of a law named for a young girl who died after receiving the wrong IV solution to require a background check and competency test certified by the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy for pharmacy technicians provides a new measure of safety for patients.

  • Report: National telehealth network proposed

    NEW YORK With the country focused on expanding health care to 46 million uninsured, the fact that UnitedHealth and Cisco have thought to include retail clinics into their joint telehealth solution is a nod to the important role clinics play as healthcare extenders.


  • Walgreens selects Arc Worldwide as promotional marketing agency

    NEW YORK In its sweeping, soup-to-nuts drive to regain momentum and recapture its marketing mojo, the nation’s most widespread and profitable drug retailer continues to surprise.


  • Guest Opinion: Big Pharma needs retail pharmacy to beat odds

    You think retail pharmacy’s got it tough? Take a look at what the drug companies are up against:

    Expiring drug patents

    Increasing pricing pressure

    Lower reimbursement rates

    Laborious new drug launch processes

    Black-box warnings

    Endless reams of bad press

    Prescription drug revenue growth is down; script growth is anemic

    Few new blockbusters on the horizon

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