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  • Boiron owner publishes homeopathy desktop reference

    NEWTOWN SQUARE, Pa. — Boiron owner Michèle Boiron recently published a book on homeopathy for healthcare professionals titled "Homeopathy and Pharmaceutical Care," the company announced. In April 2013, she and co-author François Roux will host lectures in Philadelphia and New York. 

  • Big data. Big deal.

    In my last UpMarketing post, Dart and science, I described how combining quantitative and qualitative research with good old-fashioned gut instincts can drive results. This post examines a related topic: big data. Everyone’s talking about the mountains of data at their fingertips, just waiting for analysis and action.

  • Novo Nordisk drug produces significant weight loss in study

    BAGSVÆRD, Denmark — A drug made by Novo Nordisk for Type 2 diabetes produced a 6% loss of weight in a trial of the drug in obese patients, the company said.

    The Danish drug maker announced results of a 56-week phase-3 trial to investigate the potential of Victoza (liraglutide) to produce and maintain weight loss in overweight and obese patients with Type 2 diabetes.

  • Senators introduce bill restricting sale of DXM cough-relieving ingredient to adults

    WASHINGTON — Sens. Bob Casey, D-Pa., and Lisa Murkowski, R-Ark., on Friday introduced the Preventing Abuse of Cough Treatments Act of 2013, which would require retailers to restrict the sale of dextromethorphan-containing products to adults. The bill also would restrict the sale of raw, bulk DXM to FDA-approved entities. 

    Many retailers have age restrictions on the sale of DXM products already in place; and similar legislation to this has been enforced in California since 2012. 

  • Hawaiian Punch says Aloha to the breakfast table

    PLANO, Texas — Dr Pepper Snapple Group announced today the new Hawaiian Punch Aloha Morning line of juice drinks to hit store shelves.

    The new Aloha Morning line provides a good source of vitamins A, C and E, and each variety contains 40% less sugar than other juice drinks. Hawaiian Punch Aloha Morning comes in three flavors: orange citrus, mixed berry citrus and strawberry citrus.

  • FDA advises against use of three adulterated drug products

    BETHESDA, Md. — The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday advised consumers not to purchase or use three separate sexual enhancement products that are being promoted as dietary supplements because they contain undeclared and unapproved prescription-only ingredients. 

  • Study: Lower levels of vitamin D linked to greater cancer risk in smokers

    WASHINGTON — Lower levels of vitamin D may predispose smokers to developing tobacco-related cancer, according to research published last week by Clinical Chemistry, the journal of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry. Consequently, study authors suggested that vitamin D blood tests and supplements have the potential to improve smokers’ health.

  • Study finds norovirus leading cause of acute gastroenteritis in infants, young children as rotavirus declines

    ATLANTA — Norovirus has emerged as the leading cause of gastroenteritis — inflammation of the stomach and intestines — in children younger than 5 years, according to a new study.

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