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  • Rite Aid finds the magic words: Wellness empowerment

    The entirety of Rite Aid’s marketing message can really be broken down to just two simple, yet powerful words: 
wellness empowerment. 

    It is those two words that have helped inform Rite Aid’s entire wellness platform, from the introduction of its wellness+ loyalty card program in 2010 to the rollout of its new Wellness stores, beginning in 2011. It is those two words that have helped reinvigorate Rite Aid’s business — from how the store is formatted and how it looks, to the energy that pops among Rite Aid’s Wellness Ambassadors. 

  • Laxatives for women boost category

    Boehringer Ingelheim recently expanded its popular laxative brand with Dulcolax Laxative Tablets for Women, specifically formulated with a “comfort-coating” to protect a woman’s stomach. 

  • Robin Leedy & Associates expands New York operations, names new managing director

    MT. KISCO, N.Y. — PR and social media marketing specialists Robin Leedy & Associates on Tuesday named Tara McNally to oversee account teams and staff development, client services and brand campaigns from the firm's new Manhattan office at Fifth Avenue and 44th Street.

  • Consumers using more OTCs for cost savings

    As many as 26% of consumers increased their usage of over-the-counter products in the past year, according to an online survey of more than 900 AccentHealth viewers conducted in September. Anticipated increases in OTC use for the upcoming year are driven by those who have already reported a rise in usage in the past year.

    To see more Patient Views, click here.

    The lower cost of OTCs was cited as the primary reason viewers have increased and plan to increase their OTC usage. 

  • Raising the ‘steaks’ on quality care

    Recently, I had a brief conversation with a man I admire and respect very much, regarding the cover story of the Oct. 15 issue of DSN, “Building the ACO.”

    “Eder, what’s an ACO?” the man asked.

    I explained that it stands for accountable care organization; basically, it means providers from different practice settings working together to spread primary care responsibility across an integrated healthcare team. 

    “You think that’s good?”

  • Partnering with suppliers to create a rich, innovative experience for customers

    The success of Rite Aid’s Wellness store is in the experience. It’s welcoming. It’s engaging. And across various touchpoints throughout the store, it helps guide Rite Aid customers toward however it is they define “well.” That’s as much a function of design of the stores as it is the people and the products in those stores.

  • Natural goes mainstream

    While the term homeopathy may remain as foreign to the American consumer as allopathy, as a relative “class” within each of the respective categories where homeopathic remedies exist, more and more shoppers are placing those homeopathic products in their baskets.

  • Nutramax launches comprehensive line of supplements for the family dog

    LANCASTER, S.C. — Nutramax Laboratories on Wednesday announced the nationwide launch of Cosequin for Dogs into Walmart stores. Cosequin is formulated to support, nourish and maintain the health of canine joints and cartilage. Included in the product launch is Dermaquin Plus, an omega-3 fish oil supplement for dogs supporting skin and coat health plus overall wellness.

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