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  • Abbott introduces PediaSure SideKicks Clear for mom's picky eaters

    ABBOTT PARK, Ill. — Abbott on Wednesday launched PediaSure SideKicks Clear, a clear nutritional beverage that helps balance out the diet of picky eaters who may be missing nutrients. Moms also can have peace of mind knowing that their picky eaters are receiving a source of protein and 19 vitamins and minerals, the company said.

  • FDA advisory committee recommends OTC availability of HIV test

    BETHLEHEM, Pa. — OraSure Technologies on Tuesday announced that the Food and Drug Administration's Blood Products Advisory Committee recommended that the OraQuick In-Home HIV test be made available without a prescription.

    “There was broad support expressed by the HIV community at [the] meeting, and we look forward to continuing our work with them in the fight against HIV," stated OraSure president and CEO Douglas Michels. "We believe the OraQuick In-Home HIV Test will make a valuable contribution in this fight.”

  • 10,000 & counting: Dollar General goes national

    At first blush, there appears to be nothing special about Dollar General’s first Southern California store in the suburb of Montclair. It occupies about 7,500 sq. ft. of space in an aging strip center, and a small banner hung on the exterior beckons to passing motorists and pedestrians, “Now Open.” Inside, more signs explain the bare-bones merchandising of familiar brands to shoppers unfamiliar with the Dollar General value proposition.

  • Patients believe in adherence but don’t act on it

    Medication nonadherence costs the U.S. healthcare system about $290 billion per year, according to New England Healthcare Institute. That big and scary number — the kind whose sheer enormity can make one’s eyes glaze over — is now even bigger.

  • Sleep aid seasonality

    For those marketers staying awake at night thinking about new ways to drive category growth, Biotab Nutraceuticals may have happened upon a new opportunity — seasonality in sleep aids. 

    “Twice each year, [daylight savings time changes] have an impact on a person’s internal clock,” said Biotab chief marketing officer Robert Wilhovsky, who markets Alteril. So in the week following a clock change, sales of sleep aids spike, he said.

  • Clif Bar wheels out bicycling promotion

    NEW YORK  — Clif Bar on Tuesday announced its first-ever “Join the Ride” program, which invites consumers to describe how a new bicycle will help them live better. The program will focus on personal health and fitness, community involvement and green living. Individuals with the 50 most compelling entries will receive a Raleigh Route 3.0 bicycle and a Giro Reverb helmet.

  • Cherry’s capitalizes on catering to kids

    NEW YORK — One of the first lessons in life that children learn is that getting sick isn’t fun, and going to the pharmacy isn’t too exciting either. In 2004, pharmacist Charles Tabouchirani decided to change that by opening Cherry’s Pharmacy, a store that specializes in dealing with children.

  • Getting niche brands on the shelf

    For niche brands, getting a foot in the door of mass market retail is no easy feat, and the stakes remain high as retailers have, in recent years, trimmed SKU counts and grown increasingly risk-adverse.

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