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In this Issue

  • As Seen on TV now seen on drug store shelves

    As Seen on TV products are grabbing more space in chain drug stores. “Consumer interest is higher than it has ever been,” said AJ Khubani, CEO and founder of TeleBrands. “More retailers are recognizing the importance of the category. More are getting into the category, and those already in the category are giving it more shelf space.” Some of TeleBrands’ hottest new products this year have been Chef Basket, Aluma Wallet, RoboStir and One Second Needle.

  • DSN video captures CES healthcare buzz

    NEW YORK — An unprecedented 100-plus vendors presented the latest in healthcare technology earlier this year at the Consumer Electronics Show. CES added the healthcare-driven Digital Health Pavilion to its show some years ago, and the number of exhibitors participating continues to increase.

    “There’s definitely a distinct interest now from a consumer perspective around health, and we’re starting to see that grow,” Continua Health executive director Chuck Parker told Drug Store News.

  • Consumers rediscover coupons

    The humble coupon is back, in a big way.

    Two years after the nation’s economy hit bottom in the most wrenching tailspin since the onset of the Great Depression, coupon use in the United States has staged a remarkable comeback. 

  • Low-calorie options energize sports drinks

Sports drinks and energy beverages remain the driving forces behind the beverage category. Dollar volume across all three channels for both segments spiked nearly 15% for the 12-week period ended April 17, according to SymphonyIRI Group data.

  • Nail color, accessories polish beauty sales

    Nail color continues to be a rock star in the beauty aisle, as many women have forgone the pricey salon and embraced the do-it-yourself trend, and as manufacturers increasingly launch innovative nail products.

    “Lending a strong hand to the success of the makeup category was nail polishes, which [were] up by 20.4% in 2010 due to new product activity ad­apted to achieving at-home salon results and easy application,” consulting and research firm Kline & Co. recently stated in its Cosmetics & Toiletries USA 2010 report.

  • Frugal shoppers bring spas back home

    A shift in consumers’ shopping behavior to one that is focused on value, coupled with a desire to escape everyday stresses, likely helped drive the growth of bath and body scrubbers/massagers.

    As shoppers increasingly have been watching their dollars, many have been creating an at-home spa experience versus spending their money at a pricey salon. This desire to create an at-home oasis has benefited the bath and body segment.

  • Adults thirsty for weight-loss/nutrition drinks

The overall weight-loss/nutritional shake category spans ready-to-drink diet aids (Slim Fast), pediatric nutrition needs (PediaSure) and adult nutrition needs (Ensure and Boost). Out of all of these, it’s adult nutrition that creates the most synergy with the backbench; seniors need protein and supplementation to ensure a healthy life free of broken hips and fractured elbows. But that isn’t the only prescription-heavy demographic checking out the latest Ensure and Boost flavors.

  • Allegra tackles allergies, OTC rivals this spring

    In the year leading up to the switch of Allegra, Sanofi generated $214.2 million in U.S. prescription sales of Allegra, largely due to the generic competition against its Allegra D formulation. Now Sanofi is looking to virtually match those annual sales figures within the much more profitable nonprescription venue with the company’s successful switch from prescription to OTC this spring. 

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