Diplomat: Oncology, infusion and acquisitions drive growth
With 981,000 prescriptions dispensed in 2016, independent specialty pharmacy operator Diplomat Pharmacy’s 8% script growth over 2015 was the result of the company’s continued efforts to move into and expand its existing presence in several markets — in part through strategic acquisitions of independent companies demonstrating best practices. Driven by its oncology and infusion divisions, the company’s growth brings with it more access to specialty drugs that have limited distribution.
Re-accommodating the message: Learning from Pepsi’s, United Airlines’ mistakes
In a world where the consumer is increasingly demanding that all brands “get real” and connect with them in a truly authentic and honest way, Pepsi’s short-lived and frightfully miscalculated Kendall Jenner/”Live for New Moments” ad and United Airlines’ PR implosion in the wake of its horribly botched “overbooking/re-accommodation” incident ought to serve as case studies on how NOT to communicate with today’s consumer.XThis ad will auto-close in 10 seconds