Loud and clear: Affordable OTC hearing aids could become a future reality
More than two-thirds of baby boomers over the age of 60 reported some hearing loss, or the inability to hear high-pitched sounds, according to the most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. And that’s cause for concern, as the Journal of the American Geriatric Society has projected that the cost for the first year of hearing loss treatment in older adults will reach $51 billion nationwide by 2030.
Recycling bad ideas
The other day, I saw a young man in baggy jeans — that ridiculously enormous cut from the late 90s/early 2000s that seemed to fit every waist size from 28 inches to 4.5 ft., and gave every person the illusion of being their own “after” picture in one of those bad billboard weight loss ads. It was just another reminder that either, for a lack of creativity or extremely bad taste, every bad idea that ever existed eventually will be recycled.