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Regulatory and Washington

  • Walgreens raises awareness around whooping-cough vaccine availability in Washington

    DEERFIELD, Ill. — With epidemic levels of whooping cough reported in the state of Washington that are creating the need for more immunizations resources, Walgreens on Tuesday announced that it is offering immunizations that provide protection against the highly contagious respiratory infection (tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis-Tdap vaccine) at all of its 129 locations statewide.

  • Mobile app searches for safe drug disposal sites

    WASHINGTON — An organization that promotes efforts to stop prescription drug abuse announced Tuesday the release of a mobile app that directs users to places where they can safely get rid of unwanted and unused medications.

    The American Medicine Chest Challenge said the AMCC Rx Drop app, sponsored by the Generic Pharmaceutical Association, links to the AMCC's directory of local, county and state law enforcement-sponsored permanent collection sites around the country. The app is available for Apple and Android devices.

  • NACDS expresses to FDA cautious optimism on the 'new paradigm' for third class of drugs

    ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The National Association of Chain Drug Stores submitted on Monday comments to the Food and Drug Administration regarding its position on the “new paradigm” for a third class of drugs.

    The comments were submitted to the FDA in conjunction with the agency’s hearing titled, “Using Innovative Technologies and Other Conditions of Safe Use to Expand Which Drug Products Can Be Considered Nonprescription.”

  • NCPA lobbies for bills that would help mitigate market dominance of new super-PBM ESI

    WASHINGTON — The battle for public opinion and legislative sway was in full swing Monday as executives from the National Community Pharmacists Association lobbied congressional leaders regarding several pieces of "pro-patient, pro-pharmacist legislation." To counter that effort, the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association issued some marketing firepower of its own.

  • NACDS, NCPA urge Senate, House committees to preserve patient choice for Tricare beneficiaries

    ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The National Association of Chain Drug Stores and the National Community Pharmacists Association today expressed concerns in a letter sent to Senate Armed Services Committee and House Armed Services Committee leaders over the potential impact of the administration’s fiscal year 2013 budget on Tricare beneficiaries and community pharmacy.

  • New drug shortages cut in half as industry notifications increase

    SILVER SPRING, Md. — The number of new drug shortages has been halved as early notifications from manufacturers of potential shortages have increased sixfold, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration wrote Thursday.

  • Washington state health officials declare whooping cough epidemic

    OLYMPIA, Wash. — Washington state health officials have declared an emergency state action to slow the outbreak of whooping cough, also known as pertussis.

  • CHPA releases update on latest PSE legislation

    WASHINGTON — The Consumer Healthcare Products Association on Thursday provided an update around pseudoephedrine legislation in its "CHPA Executive Newsletter," which is published monthly.

    A bill supporting the use of the National Precursor Log Exchange is scheduled to be heard by Colorado's Senate Judiciary Committee on May 4 following a House vote of 50-14 to pass the bill.

    In Hawaii, a bill to adopt NPLEx is awaiting Gov. Neil Abercrombie's signature. If signed, Hawaii would become the 22nd NPLEx state.

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