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Regulatory and Washington

  • President Trump nominates health policy veteran to FDA post

    WASHINGTON — President Trump on Friday announced his intent to nominate former FDA deputy commissioner Scott Gottlieb to be the new commissioner of Food and Drugs at the Department of Health and Human Services.

    The appointment is subject to Senate confirmation.

  • Report: Canada could save $770 million by switching these three drug classes to OTC

    OTTAWA — A new Conference Board of Canada report estimates that switching three prescription drug classes to over-the-counter status could represent a cost savings of more than $770 million annually (in U.S. currency). Those classes include proton-pump inhibitors, oral contraceptives and erectile dysfunction remedies.

  • NCPA calls for Congressional hearings on DIR practice

    ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The National Community Pharmacists Association on Friday requested Congressional hearings on legislation, the Improving Transparency and Accuracy in Medicare Part D Spending Act (S. 413 and H.R. 1038), that would stop the practice of pharmacy direct and indirect remuneration fees being applied retroactively under Medicare Part D.

  • NACDS launches advertising campaign as RxImpact Day approaches

    ARLINGTON, Va. — The National Association of Chain Drug Stores introduced an advertising campaign, referred to as its “Access Agenda,” in preparation for its RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill, taking place March 14 and March 15 in Washington D.C. The ads state “Pharmacists provide access to better healthcare every day,” and “We’re here to provide access to health policy solutions.”

  • Health Savings Act can address nutrient deficiencies, suggests DS Caucus

    WASHINGTON — Michael McBurney, VP science, communications and advocacy of DSM Nutritional Products last week addressed a crowd of more than 50 congressional staffers and guests on the prevalence of nutrient deficiencies in the United States as part of the Dietary Supplement Caucus luncheon briefing. He also introduced the idea of “hidden hunger,” the tendency of Americans to experience a lack of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, potentially leading to mental impairment, poor health and decreased productivity.

  • Effort to repeal and replace Obamacare takes step forward

    WASHINGTON — The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee gave a thumb’s-up early Thursday to legislation in an effort to repeal and replace a major part of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans on the panel passed the legislation after 4 a.m. approximately 18 hours after they worked on the project, according to media reports.

  • Lawmakers revise generic drug legislation

    WASHINGTON — Legislation intended to require the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to act upon applications for generic drugs within 180 days of being filed that are in short supply or when there are too few manufacturers on the market is being revised, a House Energy and Commerce Committee aide told Bloomberg.

  • House Republicans unveil plan to replace Obamacare

    WASHINGTON — House of Representatives Republicans late Monday unveiled a replacement to the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

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