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  • Tory Burch to develop a collection of stylish accessories for Fitbit

    LAS VEGAS — Fitbit on Tuesday announced a relationship with Tory Burch to develop a collection of stylish accessory wristbands and necklaces for Fitbit Flex. The Tory Burch for Fitbit accessories collection will include pendants, bracelets and wristbands designed to hold the Fitbit Flex tracker, transforming the activity tracker into a chic accessory for work or weekend, day or evening.

  • Walgreens' cough-cold offering to be featured on TaskRabbit app

    CHICAGO — Walgreens' latest omnichannel offering features a partnership with TaskRabbit, an online mobile marketplace that will deliver OTC cold medicines anywhere within the 19 cities in which the service exists, according to a report published by Mashable on Monday. 

    According to the report, the partnership runs this week through Feb. 18. The Walgreens OTC offering will be featured in TaskRabbit's iOS app's Task Wheel and on the TaskRabbit website.

  • Pairing influenza and pneumococcal vaccination shots for children raises risk of fever

    NEW YORK — Giving young children the influenza and pneumococcal vaccines together appears to increase their risk of fever, according to a study led by researchers from Columbia University Medical Center and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Monday afternoon. However, the fever was brief, and medical care was sought for few children, supporting the routine immunization schedule for these vaccines, including the recommendation to administer them simultaneously. 

  • CHPA: Industry efforts to promote safe OTC use through standardized dosing directions and devices is working

    WASHINGTON — The Consumer Healthcare Products Association reported the makers of over-the-counter pediatric liquid medications have made significant progress in carrying out voluntary efforts to promote safe use through standardized dosing directions and dosing devices, as underscored by the results of a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study released Monday in Pediatrics.

  • FTC cracks down on weight-loss ads, issues guidance to publishers to guard against false claim advertisements

    WASHINGTON — The Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday announced a law enforcement initiative stopping national marketers that used deceptive advertising claims to peddle fad weight-loss products, from food additives and skin cream to dietary supplements.

  • CRN names seven new directors and appoints three new committee chairs

    WASHINGTON — The Council for Responsible Nutrition on Tuesday named seven newly seated directors to its governing board, and three newly appointed committee chairs.

    The seven new executives joining CRN’s Board of Directors are: Mark Hartman, Banner Life Sciences; Connie Hallquist, Healthy Directions; Mark LeDoux, Natural Alternatives International; Bret Scholtes, Omega Protein/Nutegrity; Jennifer Spalding, Abbott Nutrition; Steve Strickland, Sensient Pharmaceutical Coating Systems; and James Watson, Watson.

  • Nutra Pharma ships initial product orders of Nyloxin to MyNyloxin

    CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. — Nutra Pharma on Tuesday announced that they have begun shipping the initial product orders to MyNyloxin, a new company that has the exclusive rights to market and distribute Nutra Pharma's over-the-counter pain reliever, Nyloxin, in the network marketing channel. 

  • U.S. News & World Report releases Best Diets 2014 report

    WASHINGTON — U.S. News & World Report on Tuesday released its Best Diets 2014, featuring rankings and information on 32 diet plans. The DASH diet was recognized as one of the Best Diets Overall, while Weight Watchers continues to hold the No. 1 spot for Best Weight-Loss Diets. 

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