NACDS, coalition ads thank legislators for backing pro-patient, pro-pharmacy bill
In newspaper ads placed in selected Congressional districts this August, NACDS is thanking members of the U.S. House of Representatives for co-sponsoring the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act (H.R. 592/S. 109). NACDS also is urging the members of Congress to work toward ultimate passage and enactment of the legislation.
Top-spending consumers spend more
The average household spends $3,400 on packaged goods, but the average grocery banner only captures as much as 20% of that, according to a recent IRI report. “With the overall market not growing, retailers and manufacturers need to find new sources of growth by capturing a bigger piece of the existing pie,” wrote Web Fletcher, principal at IRI Shopper Analytics and lead author of IRI’s “Delivering Growth Through High-Value Customers” research, which was published in July.