Greer Labs launches Oralair
LENOIR, N.C. — Greer Labs announced the launch and commmercial availability of Oralair (Sweet Vernal, Orchard, Perennial Rye, Timothy, and Kentucky Blue Grass mixed pollens allergen extract) sublingual allergy immunotherapy tablets. The drug is used for the treatment of grass pollen-induced allergic rhinitis with or without conjunctivitis.
FDA panel advises against Rx-to-OTC switch of Singulair
WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration's Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee on Friday voted 11-4 opposed to switching Merck's allergy remedy Singulair from Rx-to-OTC, according to an Associated Press report.
According to the report, NDAC panelists questioned the safety of Singulair as an OTC remedy, especially considering patients could use it as an off-label remedy for the more serious condition asthma.